Traditional Firewall vs NGFW

What are the features and improvements of traditional firewalls and next-generation firewalls? Firewalls primarily provide protection against cyberattacks and malicious threats that invade your network and steal your data. While this might sound like a negative scene from a movie,…
Difference between Router and Switch

Routers and switches are computer network devices that allow one or more computers to connect to other computers, networking devices, or other networks. These devices look a bit similar, but the functions they perform are quite different. People often confuse…
What is Cisco ASA CX Security Module?

The new series of Cisco ASA devices (ASA 5500-X models which include 5512-X, 5515-X, 5525-X, 5545-X, 5555-X and 5585-X) have the capabilities to support Next Generation Firewall Security Services. They support these security services as cloud-based services (such as Cloud…