Share your photos and stories on where you take Cisco for a chance to be featured on The Network!
To recognize the level of engagement from our Facebook community and offer our fans other options to connect with us, we’ve introduced a new photo-sharing program called “Where in the World Do You Take Cisco?” We want to spotlight our fans and their experiences with Cisco products, technologies and brand. Submit YOUR photos that capture everywhere and anywhere you take Cisco! Along with your photo, we also ask that you include a written description in 100 words or less that helps narrate the story behind your photo or image.
The best photo and story as determined by our staff, will be featured on The Network, Cisco’s Technology News Site. New winners will be announced every three months, but submissions will be continuously highlighted across our Cisco social channels. Need more information? Check out the guidelines below for all the program details.
- Who can enter? Anyone who is 18 years and older that has an interesting picture or photo to share including customers, partners, employees and fans! Photos must showcase a direct connection to the Cisco brand, technology or product and include a brief description. Photos that do not match the program guidelines will not be considered.
- Photos could be of actual Cisco products or more open-ended such as a Cisco banner underwater like this Cisco employee did below. Show off and be creative…but as always be safe and make sure the photo story is relevant to the program.
- Do not include photos that are abusive, defamatory, obscene or showcase the individual in a dangerous or life-threatening situation. These photos may be removed at Cisco’s discretion.
- Photos are to be uploaded in the “Where in the World Do You Take Cisco?” Flickr Group. Please include your name, location, contact information and 100 words or less description that helps narrate the story of the photo. Click here for more information on how to upload photos to a Flickr Group.
- Photos that are chosen to be featured on Cisco’s technology news site, The Network will be contacted directly by a Cisco representative based on the contact information provided in the photo.
- By submitting your photo, you are giving Cisco permission to use your image, photo story, as well as your name and hometown across Cisco’s social channels.
I know you all have some great photo ideas so get snapping! Be sure to check out Cisco’s Flickr community as well and “like” us on Facebook! You can also check out all the submitted photos on our Cisco Facebook Flickr Tab.
Where in the world do you take Cisco? Show and tell us! Good luck and looking forward to seeing all your interesting photos and the stories behind them!
Original News from Where in the World Do You Take Cisco?