Huawei FTTH & POL Solution Products Portfolio: OLT, ONU, ODN and ONT

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FTTH (Fibre to the Home) is one of the Optical Fiber Communication technologies. It connects the Internet to our home directly via fibre.

POL (Passive Optical LAN) is a passive all-optical LAN. It is a LAN networking solution based on PON technology. It inherits the advantages of large bandwidth, high reliability, flatness, easy deployment, and easy management of PON networks. The solution is fully adapted to the characteristics of campus LAN based, such as 802.1x authentication, POE, etc., and has the ability to be commercially large-scale in the campus.

How about Huawei FTTH & POL solutions?

Huawei’s FTTH solution uses one optical fiber network to bear multiple services, providing high speed Internet (HSI), Wi-Fi, voice, video, and CATV services for home-connected users.

Huawei’s POL Solution uses 2-layer architecture and fiber optic cables to support large-capacity forwarding, non-interference, and oxidation resistance.

In order to help you know more about Huawei FTTH & POL solution products, I will introduce some of them in this article, including Huawei OLT, Huawei ONU, Huawei ODN and Huawei ONT.

  1. OLT: Unified Access Platform of GPON and XG-PON

In this category, there are SmartAX EA5800 series OLT, EA5801 and MA5600T OLT meeting the solution need.

Table 1. The SmartAX EA5800 OLT.

Parameters EA5800-X17 EA5800-X15 EA5800-X7 EA5800-X2
Switching Capacity of the Control Board (load sharing mode) 3.6 Tbit/s 3.6 Tbit/s 3.6 Tbit/s 480 Gbit/s
GPON Ports/ XG(S)-PON Ports 272 240 112 32
GE/FE Ports 816 720 336 96
10 GE Ports 408 360 168 16

Table 2. The SmartAX MA5600T OLT.

Model MA5600T MA5603T MA5608T
Switching Capacity of the Backplane Bus 3.2Tbit/s 1.5Tbit/s (H801MABO)

2Tbit/s (H802MABO)

Access Capacity • 128*10G GPON
• 256*GPON
• 768*GE/FE
• 48*10G GPON
• 96*GPON
• 288*GE
• 8*10G GPON
• 32*GPON
• 96*GE
Maximum uplink port
• 4*GE
• 4*10GE
• 4*GE
• 4*10GE

huawei olt ea5800

Table 3. The SmartAX EA5801 OLT.

Model SmartAX EA5801-GP08 SmartAX EA5801-CG04
GE Upstream Ports 2 optical/electrical combo ports 2 optical/electrical combo ports
10 GE/GE Upstream Ports 2 2
Number of Service Ports 8 x GPON 4 x G-PON and GPON combo
  1. ONU: Office network, video surveillance, access of Wi-Fi APs and industrial-grade adaptability

In this category, there are SmartAX MA56xx, 58xx series ONU, EG8040P and EG8240P meeting the needs.

Table 4. The SmartAX MA56xx series ONU.

Model MA5612 MA5620 MA5626 MA5671 MA5694S
Network-Side Port 2 x GPON / 2 x GE

1 x GPON + 1 x GE

User-Side Port 2 x GE + 6 x FE

2 x GE + 6 x FE + 16 x POTS

24 x FE + 24 x POTS

16 x FE + 16 x POTS

8 x FE + 8 x POTS

8 / 16 / 24 x FE, 8 / 16 / 24 x FEwith POE

4 x GE+ 8 x FEPOE, 8 x FEwith RPOE

1 × GE / 4 × GE

4 × GE POE

3 × GE + 1 × GE (optical )

Table 5. The SmartAX MA58xx series ONU.

Model EA5821 MA5871
Network-Side Port XG-PON / GPON 1 x XG-PON

1 x GPON

User-Side Port 8 / 24 x GE

24 × GE, POE

4 x GE

Table 6. The EcoLife series.

Model EG8040P EG8080P EG8240P EG8280P EG8084P
User-Side Port 4 x GE PoE+ 8 x GE PoE+ 4 x GE + 2 x POTS PoE+ 8 x GE + 2 x POTS PoE+ 8 x GE PoE++/PoE+
  1.  ODN: Optical Distribution Network

In this category, there are these models below meeting the needs.

  • ODF3101: Normally Used in central engine room; 19-inch standard.
  • FDT3105D: Normally Used Outside the buildings; 144-576 fibers.
  • FAT3106: Normally Used in Each layer of a building; 6-36 fibers.
  • SSC2103-FH: Installed in a manhole or hand hole; 48-288 cores.
  • ATB3101 / ATB3201: Normally Used on the wall inside the home; 1-4 fibers.
  • SPL2605: The simplest equipment to split; Splitting ratio: 1: 2~1: 64 / 2: 4~2: 32.
  • iODF3101-iReady: Usually installed at CO; Max Capacity: 960 cores
  • FDT2103D: Usually installed outdoors; Max Capacity: 144 cores
  • FAT2131SD: Usually installed in corridors; Max Capacity: termination 16 cores, splicing 24 cores.
  1. ONT: Residential, commercial and office network

In this category, there are these models below meeting the needs.

Table 7. EcoLife Series ONT Models.

Model EG8247H EG8040P EG8240P HN8245Q
User-Side Port 2 x POTS + 4 x GE + 1 x USB +

1 x RF + 2.4G WiFi

4 x GE 2 x POTS + 4 x GE 4 x GE + 2 x POTS +

2.4G&5G WiFi + 2 x USB

Model EG8240H5 EG8245H5 EG8245Q EG8247H5
User-Side Port 2 x POTS + 4 x GE 2 x POTS + 4 x GE +

2.4G Wi-Fi + 1 x USB

2 x POTS + 4 x GE +

2.4G&5G Wi-Fi + 1 x USB

2 x POTS + 4 x GE + 1 x CATV +

2.4G Wi-Fi + 1 x USB

Model EG8247Q EG8145V5 EG8040H5 EG8010H
User-Side Port 2 x POTS + 4 x GE + 1 x CATV +

2.4G&5G Wi-Fi + 2 x USB

1 x POTS + 4 x GE +

2.4G&5G Wi-Fi + 1 x USB

4 x GE 1 x GE
Model EG8120L EG8141A5 EG8247W HN8255Ws
User-Side Port 1 x GE + 1 x FE + 1 x POTS 1 x POTS + 1 x GE + 3 x FE +

2.4G Wi-Fi

2 x POTS+4 x GE + 1 x CATV+

2.4G&5G Wi-Fi

2 x POTS + 4 x GE + 1 x 10GE +

2.4G&5G Wi-Fi

huawei ont ad

  1. Outdoor Cabinet:One-stop site solution, accelerates the construction cycle

In this category, there are these models below meeting the needs.

  • F01S100, Devices involved:

1 x AC MA5608T, 1 x AC / DC MA5616 / MA5818,

2 x AC MA5620/MA5626

  • F01S200, Devices involved:

1 x DC MA5608T, 1 x DC EA5800-X2

1 x DC MA5616, 1 x DC MA5818

F01T300, Devices involved:

1 x DC EA5800-X7, 1 x DC MA5603T

3 x DC MA5616

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us at

Learn More:

Optical Communication Terminology Cheat Sheet

FTTx Solution: What is the difference between ONU and ONT?

Huawei OLT EA5801 Models: EA5801-GP08 and EA5801-CG04

What is the FTTx?

OLT Device Introduction: Huawei SmartAX EA5800 Series

PON: EPON vs. GPON vs. 10G-PON


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