“How to upgrade Cisco 3850 LAN base to IP base? or upgraded from IP base image to IP service image?”
This is a popular problem that it is often discussed by Cisco 3850 users.
Firstly, let’s see what details the users share their experience while Activating C3850 IP Base License to IP Services.
An Example: How to Activate C3850 IP Base License to IP Services?
Their questions are: “We have Cisco C3850 running ipbase license recently we decided to run BGP protocol for that we need ipservices license. Do i need to buy new license or i have already that i just need to activate using right-to-use?”
Can’t i just activate using following command?
In following command its showing this, Does that means i already have license and i just need to Activate it? Look at Index 1 what that means?
Answers: From This Cisco Config Guide: Configuring Right-To-Use Licenses
Permanent licenses—Purchased with a specific feature set with no expiration date.
Evaluation licenses—Pre-installed on the switch and is valid for only a 90 day in-use period.
You can run license right-to-use activate ip-services all accepteula to activate ipservices, and then restart the switch.
In general if you activate an image you don’t have a license for it will warn you that you must purchase or deactivate in 90 days, etc.
…to be continued…
The Question from https://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/29739/how-to-c3850-activate-license-to-ipservices. To share your suggestions here…
More Discussion about the Cisco 3850 License Set Upgrade
1. Cisco 3850-Static routing with LAN Base license? I’d like to throw in a stack as a core switch in a new office and use static routing to reach our main office. From my googling it looks like static routing is not crippled in the LAN base version I just thought I’d ask before ordering, haven’t used these switches before. More comments here: https://www.reddit.com/r/networking/comments/3wev1l/cisco_3850_static_routing_with_lan_base_license/
2. RTU License 3850 IP Base to IP service. I want to upgrade form IP Base to IP Service to use EIGRP. I order the license L-3850-48-S-E but i read the documentation about the procedure to install the license but all documentation says “A permanent license can be moved from one device to another. To activate a license, you must reboot your switch” “Your switch is pre-installed with the image that you ordered. If an image was not pre-ordered, then the switch is booted with a LAN base image by default.” When cisco send the license i only need to use “license right-to-use activate ipservices acceptEULA” after that reload the switch and that its or i need to upload anything like .pkg or .lic or another image to work the new license?? More answers here: https://supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/12760546/rtu-license-3850-ip-base-ip-service
3. Is “OSPF for Routed Access” in IP Base on IOS XE 3.3.0SE on 3850? Can anyone with a 3850 running the IP Base feature set of IOS XE 3.3.0SE please confirm for me it does *not* run OSPF at all, not even the limited “OSPF for Routed Access” available on IOS IP Base for the 3560/3750 series? …
More Discussions here: https://supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/11964836/ospf-routed-access-ip-base-ios-xe-330se-3850
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