As part of the Borderless Network architecture, FlexStack allows scalable provisioning and management to deploy any number of switches quickly and easily. Cisco FlexStack stacking for Cisco Catalyst 2960-S Series Switches provides a true stacking solution with all switches in a FlexStack stacks acting as a single switching unit. FlexStack provides a unified data plane, and single configuration for a group of stacked Cisco Catalyst 2960-S switches. …
Here we collected some typical questions about Cisco Catalyst 2960-S FlexStack from Cisco catalyst 2960 users, which may be the question you care about. Let’s check…
How many Switches can be stacked with WS-C2960S-48FPD-L at a max..
As per my Knowledge it is 4 and as below.
Switch 1 to Switch 2
Switch 2 to Switch 3
Switch 3 to Switch 4
Switch 4 to Switch 1
If yes then, is it mandatory to do the “Switch 4 to Switch 1” stack. why am I asking this is because this stack requires a long cable and the cable which comes with the Switch is only 0.5M.
Thanks in advance –Shameem
A: Hi Shameem,
2960 allows to stuck up to 4 switches: https://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/switches/ps5718/ps6406/qa_c67-577519.html
It is not neccessary to connect switch 1 to switch 4 stack ports. See how to connect 4 switches with 0.5 meter cables only:
Kind Regards,
Q: Update IOS on 2960S 4 stack
We have a 2960S 4 switch stack. We would like to upgrade the ios code to the lasted code. I have tftp the code to the first switch, but how do i install the code to the other 3 switches? I have changed the system boot on the first switch to boot from the lasted code.
A1: The command is “arch download-sw tftp://<IP address>/filename.tar”. The command will extract the tar file into the entire switch stack. You don’t need to specify the destination.
A2: You need to use the archive command:
The “source file” is a tar file downloaded from Cisco.com called an image file. The tar file can be copied over the network using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) or FTP. The most common and recommended way to upgrade the stack of switches is using TFTP. The network admin should copy the tar file with the desired Cisco IOS Software image to a TFTP server in the network. In the `archive download-sw` command, use the IP address of the TFTP server and the name of the image file as the source file. No destination file name is necessary.
Here is an example of using the `archive download-sw` command to upgrade a stack of Cisco Catalyst 2960-S switches. Notice that the number of members in the stack is not relevant to this command. By default all members are upgraded unless the network admin uses the options to do otherwise. The TFTP IP address is, and the tar file name is c2960s-universalk9-tar.122.53.SE.tar
Switch# archive download-sw tftp://
If a network connection is not possible, the stack can be upgraded by reading the image file from a USB Flash drive. A USB Flash drive must be inserted in the USB A slot on the front of the switch. The tar file containing the Cisco Catalyst 2960-S Cisco IOS Software image must be on the Flash drive. The USB Flash drive is referenced by the member it was inserted into. If the USB Flash driver was inserted into member 2, then it will be referenced as “usbflash2:.” Use the same download command used in the preceding example, except this time point to the USB Flash instead of the TFTP server:
Switch# archive download-sw usbflash2:c2960s-universalk9-tar.122.53.SE.tar
Here is the link: https://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/switches/ps5718/ps6406/white_paper_c11-578928.html
Q: 2960S-Flexstack Question
I would like to use flexstack to stack two Cisco 2960S 48 Port switches (2960S-48TD-L) for redundancy. Each switch will have a single 10G uplink into our Nexus 7K. One switch in the stack will terminate to linecard 6 (N7K-F248XP-25) and the other switch will terminate to linecard 7 (N7K-F248XP-25). My question is how many flexstack cables are needed? Do I need only one cable or do I need two to connect the two 2960s? Thanks.
A: For full redundancy use 2 flexstack cables
Have a wee look at this link https://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/switches/ps5718/ps6406/white_paper_c11-578928.html
Q: 2960S stack module
Hello, I need to know if the 2960S stack module (C2960S-STACK) is included when you buy a c2960S-stack or you have to buy it, if you have to make a stack,
Thank you really much.
A: The stacking module is an option for the 2960S Series.
If you want the:
C2960S-STACK | #Optional FlexStack hot-swappable stacking module, a.5m stack cable is included with the module. Optional 1m and 3m cables are also available. |
you have to:
1. Order it as an spare part (C2960S-STACK=)
2. Integrate the stacking module in your configuration (ICT = Integrated Configuration Tool). 0.5 Meter cable is as mentioned above included. Hope this helps.
Q: 2960S, WS-C2960S-STACK, cables?
Hi, im looking to purchase a couple of WS-C2960S-48LPS-L or WS-C2960S-24TS-L and stack them using WS-C2960S-STACK, do they come with stacking cables? or will they have to be purchased separately? I am used to 3750’s that come with the stacking cables.
A: Hello, The below mentioned are the part-code of the stack cables. By default when you purchase a switch you will get 0.5M stack cable.
If you want a longer stack cable, then you should order for it by using the part id mentioned below.
The maximum length would be 3 metres.
Cisco Catalyst 2960-S FlexStack stacking cables:
1. CAB-STK-E-0.5M FlexStack stacking cable with a 0.5 m length
2. CAB-STK-E-1M FlexStack stacking cable with a 1.0 m length
3. CAB-STK-E-3M FlexStack stacking cable with a 3.0 m length
Q: What is the part number for the 2960S stacking module and cables?
A: Table1 below lists the part ids for the stacking module used by the 2960S series switches. Cisco FlexStack stacking module with 40 Gbps of throughput, allowing ease of operation with single configuration and simplified switch upgrade. Cisco FlexStack stacking with a hot-swappable module and Cisco IOS Software provides true stacking, all switches in a stack act as a single switch unit. The Cisco FlexStack provides a unified data plane, unified configuration, and single IP address management for a group of switches. The advantages of true stacking are lower total cost of ownership through simplified management and higher availability. Cisco FlexStack supports cross-stack features including EtherChannel, SPAN and FlexLink technology.
A stack module can be added to any Cisco Catalyst 2960-S switch with LAN Base software to quickly upgrade the switch to make it stack capable, and the switch added to the stack will upgrade to the correct Cisco IOS® Software version and transparently become a stack member. The picture below shows the FlexStack stacking module for the Cisco Catalyst 2960-S.
Table 1
Part ID | Description |
C2960S-STACK | Optional FlexStack hot-swappable stacking module, a .5m stack cable is included with the module. Optional 1m and 3m cables are also available |
CAB-STK-E-0.5M= | FlexStack stacking cable with a 0.5 m length |
CAB-STK-E-1M= | FlexStack stacking cable with a 1.0 m length |
CAB-STK-E-3M= | FlexStack stacking cable with a 3.0 m length |
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