“Hi all, I have a 2960G 48 port switch here, I want to enable routing on this switch, but I can’t find how. I know this is normally is only a layer 2 switch, however since one of the latest IOS updates it is possible to do some routing. I had to reload the switch (it’s a lab device) because the configuration was all messy. Before I did the erase and reload, it was possible to issue the ip routing command in the configuration mode, to enable routing. I was also capable to view the routing table. After the erase and reload, I can’t issue the ip routing command or the show ip route.
I must be overlooking something very simple, probably a one line command, but I can’t find it
the switch is running:
1 48 WS-C2960G-48TC-L 12.2(55)SE1 C2960-LANBASEK9-M
I know it’s not the IOS version, because it is the same one as before the reload and it worked then.”
Talking more about this:
In the global configuration mode, enter the command
sdm prefer lanbase-routing
Then save the configuration and reload the switch. After the reload, you should be able to activate the IP routing and set up static routing entries.
Please note that there was a bug in the IOS version you are using with handling of a static default route (the default route did not work; you had to split it into and as a workaround). I suggest you upgrade to the latest IOS version for 2960G where this bug should be solved already.
Topic discussion from supportforums.cisco.com
More experience of Cisco 2960G enable routing from Cisco fans:
Yeah, indeed, now, the Cisco 2960 can do routing, and surprisingly it works out pretty well.
A couple of days ago I was looking for information about SDM Templates on Cisco online documentation and to my biggest surprise I saw the following command sdm prefer routing-lanbase. I concluded that the Cisco 2960 can do routing and surprisingly, it works out pretty well.
SDM templates?
Briefly SDM Templates is used to give more resource system to feature or enabling feature like ipv4/ipv6 dual-stack .
How to enable routing on a 2960 series?
To enable routing we need two things. Firstly activate the functionality sdm prefer lanbase-routing and subsequently enable ip routing.
You need to reload for the change to take place.
After the system reload, you can use the show sdm prefer command to verify the change.
An example of routing between vlan.
Now if you ping from the vlan 1 to the vlan 2 it should work.
*Your 2960 need to run IOS Version 12.2.55 or higher to enable lanbase-routing
—Reference from https://www.packetrelated.com/?p=39
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