If you are looking to improve your network performance by replacing your old network hubs, and want performance and reliability along with entry-level QoS (Quality of Service) and PoE (Power over Ethernet), then the Cisco 2960 switch should be your top choice. If you have already had a Cisco 2960, then you would try to improve your network performance and manageability. The Cisco 2960 comes in several models, with 8, 24 or 48 ports, supporting FastEthernet and Gigabit Ethernet. The Cisco 2960 switch is a perfect device for a small business or a branch office location.
Things You Need to Configure a Cisco layer 2 Switch
- Computer with terminal emulation software
- Serial cable
- IP address
- Subnet mask
- Enable secret password
- Enable password
- Telnet password
How to Configure a Cisco 2960 Switch?
1. Connect the switch to your computer with the blue serial cable that should have been included with the switch. Connect the RJ-45 end of the cable to the switch. This is the end that resembles a large telephone connector. Connect the 9-pin d-shell end of the cable to your computer’s serial port.
2. Power on your computer and configure and establish a terminal session to the switch. You can use any software that provides terminal emulation, and there are several free programs available on the Internet, including CRT, Putty and HyperTerminal. Set the terminal session parameters to Xon/Xoff flow control, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity.
3. Power on the switch and look for the startup messages. Check your terminal session settings if you do not see the messages after a minute or so. Be sure the terminal session settings are correct.
4. Continue to the initial configuration dialog and basic management setup by accepting the defaults of “yes” at the prompts. You can accept the defaults by just pressing “Enter.”
5. Press “Enter” when prompted for the host name to accept the default of “Switch,” or enter a different host name and press “Enter.”
6. Enter the enable secret password, and press “Enter.” Repeat this process for the enable password and the virtual terminal password. Be sure to write down all three passwords and store them in a secure place.
7. If you are prompted about SNMP Network Management accept the default by pressing “Enter.” Enter “vlan1” and press “Enter.” This will identify the interface that will be used to connect to the management network.
8. Enter “yes” when prompted to “Configure IP on this interface?” and press “Enter.” Enter the IP address for the switch and press “Enter.” Enter the subnet mask at the prompt and press “Enter.”
9. Enter “no” if prompted to “enable as a cluster command switch,” and press “Enter.” The switch will now display the current configuration, and you will be given three options.
10. Enter “2” and press “Enter” to save the configuration to NVRAM and exit. When the switch returns with its prompt, you are finished with the initial configuration for your Cisco 2960 switch.
—Original resource from eHow
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